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We welcome Renier Bosch to the Krugersdorp office.

Renier moved from Bloemfontein and now resides in Pretoria.

Renier started working at Pro-Plan in October 2014 and will now join the Bulk Services Team on this side.

May your new journey be a great one!!

What is your full name, don’t leave those middle ones out?

Renier Bosch

What was the last picture you took on your phone?

A picture of my wife’s baby bump

What kind of sickness have you lied about so you wouldn’t go to work?


What is your favourite take-away?


Ugly and live forever, or look attractive and die in a year?

Ugly and live forever

If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do?

Goku - save the world and collect dragon balls and train

What keys on the keyboard do you not use?

I use all the keys (I can’t type very fast)

What type of music do you listen to when you need to work towards a deadline?


What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep and why?

3 days - partying

Who is your HERO and why?

Jesus Christ - my Savior

If you had to choose to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up?


What do you define as “Manliness”?

Turning the meat on the "braaier" with your bear hands without flinching

If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, what would It be?

Dragon Ball Z

What animal best represents you and why?

Doberman - they are super awesome, smart and disciplined

How would you spend a billion dollars?

Buy a lot motorbikes and travel the world

Why did you choose your profession?

It is a challenging profession

What would you do if you were the President of your own country?

Seriously ensure that the educational systems are improved

If you could have one Superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

Regeneration (Wolverine and Dead-pool) - cannot be harmed so that I can wheelie and jump with my motorbike without getting hurt

If you could speak another language, which would it be and why?

Wife - so that I can understand my wife

What are your three favorite albums? Why

Skillet - Awake

Foo Fighters – Greatest Hits

Flyleaf – Flyleaf

I like all the above albums because of the rocking tunes

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