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Your "GO-TO-GUY"

This month we get to learn a little more about Leon Visser - The Pro-Plan go to guy... Leon works in the HR/Finance department, and here is what he's got to say:-

How would you describe yourself in one word?


What is your biggest accomplishment?

Becoming the father of Jack Russel Twins

What is your dream job?

Chef/Hospitality industry – Tried it (what I studied for before changing my roots) – just wasn’t for me at the time…till date love it, but then you have no family life and I would have been really fat...

What was your first job?

Waiter – hence why I love food so much

What is the most interesting thing you've ever encountered or done?

Overcomming my fear for hights and went ziplining on the 2nd biggest zip line in South Africa – Amazeballs & went on Mount Titlis in Switzerland to play in the snow

What's the most important lesson you've learned in the last year?

Have fun in life, laugh a lot and meet new people. To live every day to the fullest as you do not know what tomorrow holds.

How do you think your coworkers see you?

RUDE…lol …I come across very rude (something my mom normally says)…but the true me is the opposite of rude… but what do I know??

How do you act when you're stressed out?

Recap 2016 – end up in hospital with a bleeding nose

What are you most afraid of?

We are the nut family!!!! Growing up we got all the animals that we wanted (meaning half the ZOO and my siblings), I can handle anything, but still after growing up with them I do not like snakes!!

When are you the happiest?

With the 2 B’s in my life – Braai and Beer

How do you recharge?

Great weekend with friends and family….and with some catching up on sleep

What would you most regret not having done by the end of your life?

Completing my bucket list…almost kicked the bucket last year so lost a few items…but hey – I have gathered some interesting things since then that I want to do…

What would a "perfect" day look like for you?

Spending a perfect day with Family and Friends

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